Erika pink heather broom heather artificial plant H26cm

Floristik24 Erika pink heather broom heather artificial plant H26cm Floristik24 Erika pink heather broom heather artificial plant H26cm Floristik24 Erika pink heather broom heather artificial plant H26cm

Erika pink heather broom heather artificial plant H26cm

This pink heather belongs to the heather herbs and is also known as broom heather or Calluna vulgaris. The artificial plant looks very convincing with its fine details and at the same time colorful. This potted Heather is a small bush with flat, scaly foliage. The heather shows details such as the green stems and branches and pink inflorescences. The common heather, which otherwise blooms from summer to autumn, can be placed as an artificial plant at any time of the year. Such a pretty dwarf shrub makes a wonderful decoration for the living area as well as the business area and creates...

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