Rose bouquet white Ø26cm

Floristik24 Rose bouquet white Ø26cm Floristik24 Rose bouquet white Ø26cm Floristik24 Rose bouquet white Ø26cm

Rose bouquet white Ø26cm

A quickly set up table decoration complacent, which looks beautiful on top of that? This rosebouquet in white is full of graceful radiance! The fantastic silk roses can put you immediately in a table vase and you have a table decoration that is suitable for almost all occasions. The bright white you can use the art roses for a christening, a wedding, a funeral, but also for a gala or a garden party. It is also nice that you can use the artificial flowers again and again and do not wither. Of course, you can also use this bouquet of roses as the basis for a beautiful wedding bouquet or...

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